Friday, January 7, 2011

Work in Progress

How do you balance two kids, a husband, a house, two acting jobs, auditions, volunteering and spirituality? I don't know either, but I'm trying and its an interesting journey. I know I'm a Work in Progress and I have all of the Self Help books to prove it!
Each day is a chance for improvement. I have my successes and failures. For example, a recent great success: I managed to finally clear my kitchen countertop of the huge pile of junk mail, coupons, old bills, to-do lists, Dr. appointment reminder cards, kids' Birthday cards, store reciepts, pens, pencils and highlighters which has been there, seemingly, since the beginning of time! Contrasted by a recently discovered failure: I stumbled upon the THREE Organization books I purchased over a year ago under the huge pile of junk mail, coupons, old bills, to-do lists, etc. which once covered my kitchen counter! Did I use these books to organize my kitchen? Nope, because I couldn't find them!
I know that I'm scatter-brained and I often bite off more than I can chew. But, according to my friends and family, this often accounts for my most interesting stories!
I'll try to keep my posts short yet frequent... I hope this goes well!


  1. Wow, we're totally living parallel lives! My kitchen table sounds a lot like your kitchen counter! You've officially motivated me to clean it off (again). =)

  2. You made me throw up in my mouth.

  3. yay! great idea. this will prove to be yet another great creative outlet for you. plus, we all get to be entertained with the stories :) looking forward following your blog. have fun! peace ~ j
