Monday, January 31, 2011

Human Solar Panel

We inherit a lot of things from our parents! My grandfather was a work-a-holic, the man needed to be busy every day of his life. As my mother grew up, he worked 7 days a week whether he needed to or not. In his last years he busied himself growing a garden and tending it rain or shine just to keep himself active. My mom inherited this trait from him and I’ve inherited it from her. I’ve known this for years, if I’m not busy I just don’t know what to do with myself.

Recently I’ve discovered something else I’ve inherited from my mom. It really has no label, I can only describe the behavior. Growing up, there was a certain feeling to my house during the spring and summer months! My mom all of the sudden had a burst of energy! She’d have the radio on, cleaning the house with all of the windows and doors open, letting all of the fresh air and soft breezes fill our house. She’d have us playing outside, make us lunches and she, all of the sudden, had energy and motivation. Not to say she was awful and dreary during the colder months, but there was a switch that seemed to be flipped during the warmer months. In the spring and summer my mom blossomed like a flower! As a kid, I loved those times!

I have always said that I’m like a solar panel, I need the sun for energy! In my younger days, if I needed a quick pick-me-up in between school and working, I’d go to the beach and take a quick cat nap on a beach towel in the sun. As I get older I notice that I have seasons of energy. The spring and summer are my times of year. It is only recently that I’ve realized that my mom is the same way!

As the days begin to warm, I feel myself coming out of my mental hibernation. All of the sudden I’m motivated to volunteer at church, take the kids out to play, clean my house, get exercising and tend to other chores that have been forgotten during the low energy winter months! But, why is this? Do others do the same thing? Can I get out of this rut?

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